Monday, September 29, 2008

"it's the price of fame, I guess"

I got cast in Picasso at the Lapin Agile! I'm playing Suzanne! Yay!

This is kind of old news, but I don't think I ever officialy said it. So now it's been said. (:

All glory and thanks to my Heavenly Father for the infinite blessings He's put in my life.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

naked teeth.

it is official.

the teeth are nude.

hallelujah. praise the Lord.

here's me...braces free.

in other news...
we had auditions for Picasso at the Lapin Agile last night (or technically two nights ago, since I do believe we are now almost 2 hours into Thursday morning).
I've been uberly excited about this for a while because I've never gotten a chance to work with the amazing Zoe Saba apart from when she directed Jess and myself for our Acting I final, and even in that short amount of time, both Jess and I had so much fun working with her and couldn't wait for this fall.

so anyways...yeah, I auditioned for Suzanne, who in the original play also played the Countess and the "female admirer" (which I was kind of hoping to do, cause getting to create 3 different characters would be too much fun (: ), but I believe Zoe has decided to cast separate actresses for each role, which is, of course, fine too. Moving on...Suzanne is not, by any means, my dream role. She will definitely be the most risque character I've had to play onstage (she speaks freely about her sex life and changes her shirt onstage, which will most likely be amended or taken out. so, as you can imagine, she is a 19 year old very different from myself).
I'm a little worried about my parents seeing their little girl up onstage talking about sleeping around but I'm hoping they'll remember that it's just a character and not method acting involved.
Anyways...Zoe seemed pleased with my cold reading of one of Suzanne's monologues and had me read again with Danvir as Picasso and Michael as Gaston on Tuesday night; however, I was less than pleased with my cold readings and after Zoe dismissed me from the preliminary auditions with a farewell very similar to one I heard her give a girl last year who didn't even move on to callbacks, the anxiety and worrying grew exponentially.

So all last night and this morning was pretty much me convincing myself that I wasn't going to get a callback, let alone get cast in the show. (I have some serious self-doubt issues, so an entire evening + most of this morning to stew in my own anxieties was not a good combination for me). So when Jess told me she'd gotten the e-mail informing her of callbacks, I was suuuuuper stressed. I seriously refused to click on the New Mail link for like 5 minutes cause I had to pray and tell myself that it didn't matter if I didn't get cast. Thankfully, God, in his infinite wisdom, blessed me with the opportunity to perform again tonight because I did indeed receive an e-mail to get called back.

So call backs were really fun. I love getting the opportunity to read with different people and experiment with different stuff depending on who I'm working with, so this is usally my favorite part of the audition process.
Amazingly enough, when I arrived at callbacks, I was fortunate enough to see that I was the only one called back for Suzanne and Jess was the only one called back for Germaine (: So, at the risk of jumping the gun since we haven't officially been cast yet, there was much rejoicing from Jess and myself once we got to my car (mainly in the form of girly screams, haha). We've been through so many shows together, and have both had to go through getting rejected (we were both called back as freshmen last year for Lend Me a Tenor but didn't end up getting cast), plus she's one of my best and closest friends, so I'm really really happy for us finally getting our chance to have substantial parts in a real(as in, written by an actual professional) play on the mainstage at csub. that is, assuming we did get cast....cause there's still the chance that we didn't, i suppose.

So yeah. After some bad luck earlier in the week (I found out I have the misfortune of having to see someone I really don't care for every single day because this person is in a lot of my classes and i got a flat this morning), God has totally turned this week around and blessed me more than I could ask for.

I am completely and incandescently happy.
All thanks and joy to my Heavenly Father.


Monday, September 15, 2008

first day of school! first day of school!


as much as i wanted to go back a couple weeks ago when everyone else was gone at school and i was stuck with my 2 day a week work schedule, i really am unprepared for tomorrow.

i just bought my books this morning on amazon, so they won't even be here for probably a week or two. plus i haven't even paid tuition cause the frekaing mortgage company is screwing my parents over with a $4000 a month house payment, so they didn't have my tuition money last week.

so hopefully they'll let me pay tomorrow without too huge of a fine.


in other news.

i think i'm finally getting my braces off tomorrow!!!!!!

i know i posted a blog like this months ago, but this time, i think it's really going to happen.

pray for me all you out there in bloggerland!

until then,

Monday, September 8, 2008

mama i'm a guitarist now

So, I finally taught myself guitar, and it's ridiculous how much easier it is to play by ear. After only a couple hours on my first real day of playing, I can pretty much play all of "S.O.S" by the Jonas Brothers and I did it all by ear. Arguably, it's a pretty simple song, but I'm extremely proud of myself.

After 14 years of being taught that reading music was the only way, I'm so happy that I can finally play an instrument by ear somewhat succesfully.

Today is a good day and just another example of how God spoils me.

In other news...

I think McCain took like a 10 pt lead in the polls today.

Hellz Yeah. The future of our American government is looking brighter everyday.

Mainly cause the prospect of higher taxes being used to pay for a universal health care system that will allow people to literally do nothing but sit on their butts since the government will pay for/take care of their health care does not appeal to me in the slightest. That's the thing about these facist/socialist ideals that many (not all) liberals have and I just don't get; why would you want a bigger, more obtrusive government butting into your life, forcing you to be exactly the same as everyone else? Because God knows it'd be horrible for you to want to work hard, succeed, and push yourself forward in life. No! That's too unfair to the people who don't want to have to work hard; which forces you to lose that which you're working hard for as the massive, Socialist monster takes your hard earned wages and gives them to everyone else.
Why can't we keep what we earn? Barack suggests income taxes as high as 50% for some people!! That is beyond ridiculous! Especially with the way the tax brackets are set up, families like mine, who barely make the minimum amount to be put in their bracket, get taxed just as much as families who make a substantially larger amount. It's so stupid.

Oh, and the idea that the republicans fighting these higher taxese are only doing so because they're wealthy, capitalist pigs and they'll get hit the hardest by the astronomically high taxes is ridiculous as well. Coming from a poor little capitalist who gets too much taken out of her minimum wage paycheck in taxes, people should be able to work hard without fear of having half their paycheck sent away to other people who may be doing nothing but taking advantage of this mockery of a health care/welfare system where it seems you can do almost nothing and reep financial benefits for it.

In the words of the wonderful Mike Huckabee, "I'm not a republican because I was born rich. I'm a republican so I wouldn't have to spend the rest of my life poor waiting for the governemnt to bail me out."

*phew* Sorry, that was a lot of ranting, but I had to get it off my chest.

