Sunday, March 11, 2012

i'm sorry for the unkind words i spoke out of hunger

sooooooooooooo, i've been on a juice fast (non-strict-- aka had a couple bites of rice one night, some crackers the day before-- for about a week, strict-- nothin' but the good stuff-- for like 3 or 4 days).......yeah.

the flareup who came to dinner, like any unwanted guest, has been annoyingly persistent in delaying his departure even after i've given all the signs that i clearly DO NOT want any guests right now (i.e. yawning conspicuously, mentioning how early i have to get up tomorrow & need to get to bed asap, etc.), so i've been forced to smoke him out.

now, as any good crohn's patient knows, food can have a tremendous impact on the irritated/ulcerated parts of your intestines. normally, i'm good just eating sups (pronounced "soups") bland during a flareup, but this one has gotten so bad and my colon is so bloody ulcerific that any and everything, from a deep dish pizza to a grain of white rice, is being seen as toxic by my body and grating to my ulcers, which causes lots of blood and stomach cramps...yay.

Little known symptom...falling asleep on the bathroom floor in a pair of mom-jeans

so what's the best way to stop the irritation/bleeding caused by all foods? deny my body food. vair smart, no?
yeah. it sounded stupid to me too, but i think it's working. i'm passing next to no blood and am no longer being woken up 5 times in the middle of the night with nausea and stomach cramps so bad they make you want to punch a panda. plus, it's pretty damn healthy getting all of your nutrients from fruits and veggies, so i feel good (generally) and have lost a crap ton of weight (over 20lbs).

the only thing that sucks? you don't get to eat food.

as much as i love turning into a skinny minnie, i like food better. and right now, all i really want is a burrito bigger than my head (which, coincidentally, has not lost any weight).

i totally trust God with this disease, so i know things are all going to work out one way or another...i just wanted to give you all the disclaimer in case i rip your head off out of hunger.

dreaming of comida mexicana...