Thursday, July 23, 2009


So, as I happily sat down to my dinner of a mini pepperoni pizza and Sobe at Me 'N Eds this evening on break, I was confronted with the wonderful surprise of all the programs on the restaurant's televisions being turned to the press conference attempting to explain this extremely vague and elusive health plan that we've been hearing so much about lately (or rather, we've been hearing a lot of speculation about since no one really had any specific details or knowledge on this thousand page bill cooked up by Congress).

Barack began by regurgitating his pre-written speech off of his security-blanket teleprompter (surprise surprise!), and followed with a Q&A with the ever-bipartisan members of the press.

You know, it's a funny feeling, listening to a grown adult speak, all the time knowing that what they're saying is utter nonsense.

For instance, as Obama spoke about how this insanely expensive prospective health plan of his was going to be funded, he explained that 2/3 of it would be taken from government funds that have been otherwise allocated to "frivolous" (as deemed by the Obama regime) purposes. (Although I'm extremely skeptical of this, I haven't studied up on it enough to argue the validity of this statement and will leave it at that); however, as he began to disclose how the remaining third would be paid for, I couldn't believe my ears.

I know that growing up as children, our stories often depict the wealthy as the greedy villains who won't give anything to anybody (i.e. "A Christmas Carol", "Robin Hood", etc), so perhaps that's why Obama has decided to tax the crap out of "wealthy Americans" while at the same time lessening any tax breaks they did have. Now, don't get me wrong, I love Robin Hood as much as the next person, but this is not some cartoon or fairytale! You cannot force people to give up over half of their paychecks to a cause just because you deem it worthy. It's madness! These people have worked hard to achieve wealth and success only to have it be taken away by the government?!

Now, I can completely understand any one's argument who may say that not all of these people worked hard and may have schmoozed their way to the top by means of dishonesty or nepitism, but I'd venture a guess that the number of "wealthy Americans" that earned their money through dishonest outlets is around the same as, if not less than, the people who have/will continue to manipulate our health care system (and the one Obama is proposing) by doing absolutely no work but still being able to receive health care that I pay for in taxes.

Being wealthy is not a crime, but as a middle class American that Obama claims to be fighting so vehemently for, I feel disparaged, not only from ever becoming wealthy, but from furthering myself in life and achieving any type of financial success. What's the point if the only reward for my hard work is going to be a 53% income tax? I'm pissed enough as it is that the money from so many of the countless hours I spend working hard at a job for which I am payed far too little goes to the fiscally-responsible government who may spend it however their little hearts desire. I can't even imagine how infuriating it would be to have someone tell me that because I earn more money than someone else, the cash made from OVER HALF the time I spent at work was not going to me but to a cause they deemed worthy simply because they said so.

This is socialism, plain and simple.

This is 1984/Brave New World/Animal Farm crap that has no business leaving the fiction shelves but for some reason has made its way into the White House via one man, and his kool-aid drinking followers, who plan on milking this position of power by telling their subjects what doctors they have to see, what kind of health care they will be forced to receive, how much they should be spending on government-deemed worthy causes, and how much of their own money they're actually going to be allowed to keep.

Honestly, I'm really sick of all this crap. It was a "cute, rookie mistake" when a bunch of Obama's staff, including the secretary of the TREASUREY, turned out to be tax cheats (though that does explain their non-chalant attitude when it comes to raising taxes on people who make as much as they do). It was irritating, though not surprising, when his "stimulus" package turned out to be nothing more than an epic fail filled with a healthy dose of pork and special intrest spending for democrat causes. But Obama's recent attmepts to transform our capitalist, system of free enterprise into one of socialist, government control has now become a bad joke that I don't find remotely funny.

The health care system in America may be completely screwed up at times, but nationalizing health care is not the answer! Yeah, it's gonna suck trying to figure out a REAL plan to get us out of this debt we're in, which is why the President of the United States should be someone strong enough to bring up his own ideas and work relentlessly at trying to figure out the best possible way to fix things. What we do not need is some pansy-ass, community organizer, who you all knew, going into this, has NO REAL POLITICAL EXPERIENCE, but who will obediently follow his party's wishes.

Speaking of sticking to the party...I absolutely love how Obama blamed our current economic system on Bush every chance he got. ("This inherited debt" "I inherited this debt" "this debt was inherited") I know the whole "Let's Blame Bush for Every Problem in the Universe" is kind of popular within the Democratic party, but seriously? You cannot honestly say that this entire debt is Bush's fault when anyone with a brain could tell you that economic recessions are a part of life and take years to accumulate. Plus, doing things like creating massively expensive, non-job-stimulating, "stimulus" packages hasn't exactly help the debt like it was supposed to either.

So, speaking as a Republican who, according to Obama, is really only fighting this proposed plan because of a want for more political power, I must say that I am not impressed, amused, or in any way supportive of Barack Hussein Obama's projected plans to "help our country".


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I'm going to be 20 in 9 days, and I'm terrified!

20 is such a scary age; it officially finishes off my years as a teenager. Where did they go? It seems like only yesterday I was an awkward teenager geeking out over various randomness and watching the Disney Channel with Megan...oh, wait...

So yeah, I'm a little scared of becoming a fifth of a century old, but the good news is, I saved a bunch of money on my car insurance.


That's the sleep deprivation talking, I'm pretty sure. Anywho, I'm going to bed now. G'night all!
