Tuesday, October 4, 2011

if i worked, and consequently got a discount, at modcloth, I would be a very happy girl.
Look how cute my clothes are!

Ohhhhh, the joys of having cute, old-timey clothes!

the proof is in the pudding, people.  these modcloth workers are the happiest girls in the world because they get to wear nothing but ridiculously cute clothes. were i to somehow inherit a large sum of money, it would take all of my self-control to not spend everything i had on the entirety of modcloth's inventory.

until then,

we are gentlemen of harvard

If bomb.com were an actual site (it's not...I just looked it up...and consequently got myself on 17 different CIA "Potential Terrorist" lists by doing so), it would be one that played this movie on an endless loop.

I don't know why I enjoy this movie so much, all I know is that I spent almost every day in September flipping to it if I ever saw that it was on a movie channel while I was watching TV.  If you haven't seen The Social Network, go rent it right now. (Do people still rent? Netflix it or something, I don't care...just watch it)

"if you had invented facebook, you would've invented facebook"

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

at least I don't look crazy...

So, for all 2 and a half of you who are just joining us and don't know, I'm a conservative.


And as such, I've been paying fairly close attention to the potential 2012 presidential nominees popping up in the Republican party.  My obvious choice: Herman Cain

The face of victory.

Unlike anyone else running, he's not a dyed in the wool politician who has been born and bred to schmooze and please, but a successful business man who has strong Christian and Conservative beliefs and doesn't give a sh*t what people think. And did I mention he's the CEO of a pizza company?
According to the Associative Property, this man's foot also loves Herman Cain.

But this post is not about the HurriCAIN (see what I did there?), it's about Michele Bachmann.

Now, I have nothing against Michele Bachmann.  I like her and her politics well enough, I just like Herman Cain better.  What I don't like, however, is liberals and the media leading a witch hunt against her like they did to Palin in 2008.  I'm not sure what it is about strong Conservative women that seems to terrify the supposedly progressive, women's-rights-lovin' left, but whenever a woman starts to gain momentum in any party other than the Democratic one, they go out of their way to make her look as bad, stupid, or crazy as possible...
Clearly this woman cannot be president...look at how badly she photographs!

As a student of Political Science who has studied numerous forms of government, I can tell you that the true key to success in politics and leadership is being photogenic.  Your political and educational background mean nothing because, if you're photogenic, all the answers will magically pop into your head as you need them (such is the life of a beautiful person). So CLEARLY Michele Bachmann is not to be trusted because, damn it, she looks straight up crazy in that Newsweek photo!

The face of a psychopath

Now, as a person who's never taken a bad picture in her life...

I can totally empathize with everone who's terrified by Bachmann's crazy picture because normal people obviously never take bad pictures. 

Another thing is the constant meltdowns that liberals seem to suffer whenever a Conservative makes a mistake.  Obama is allowed to think we have 57 states, but God help Michele Bachmann if she thinks she can get away with EVER mistakenly misstating a fact. 

Better luck next time, amigo!

I can't say I'm surprised by it because, honestly, when your only candidate has proven himself to be utterly inept at leading the country, creating jobs, or helping the economy, what choice do you have but to demonize and undermine your opponents until they look crazy?  Because at the end of the day, it's not about who would make a better leader, it's about who's going to look better on the cover of Vanity Fair...because that's what America's really about, isn't it?

candidly your's,

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

i hate philosophy.

it's stupid. easily the biggest waste of time ever passed off as a subject in school. the logic behind it is grotesquely circular and, at the end of it all, utterly useless because, hey, it's all relative, right?

"And now that you've spent the last 10 weeks meitculously studying, theorizing, and debating this topic in order to arrive at your well thought out conclusion, you should know that it doesn't mean sh*t...Enjoy your summer!"

i mean, i can embrace it for the fact that, yes, it absolutely brings up a lot of important questions and ideas that should be considered and debated, but at the end of the day, it's all for naught because if you adhere to the principles of philosophy (namely the philosophical ideal of relativity), then everyone's right and the entire debate was a waste of time.

by adhering to their own principles, philosphers devalue their own beliefs. if everything's relative, then the opinions they've arrived at after, perhaps, years of study, debate and analysis are no more valid than this lady's...

The Plato of our generation

it's infuriating. what's the point of asking these important questions if any conclusions or opinions derived from the philosophical debates surrounding them are debunked by the very nature of philosophy itself? answer: there isn't one.

there are no definitive statements. there are no answers. there is no truth. it is a "love of wisdom" only so much as its followers love to consider themselves wise based solely on the fact that they've created an illusion of life for themselves in which they've made it impossible to be proven wrong. but refusal to accept your falsities and misconceptions as such does not make them correct, and it sure as hell doesn't make you wise. it makes you that annoying kid on the playground who would stick his fingers in his ears and say "NAH NAH NAH NAH NOT LISTENING!!" when you politely tried to explain it was your turn to ride on the swings. you know...the one you wanted to punch in the face...

According to Metaphysical Philosophy, you may not even exist, so it can't be your turn! Neener neener neeeeeener!

sooooo, yeah. i'm pretty much over this bull. after this quarter's political philosophy class, i don't plan on ever returning to this subject ever again because, frankly, even talking about it for this long is making me want to pull my hair out.

and let's face it...i'm nothing without my hair.

......or am i?......


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

just a humble bounty hunter, ma'am

Megan & I have been going crazy trying to watch everything Cowboy Bebop over the past couple months, and FINALLY, after hours on end of buffering, reloading, and wiggling the mouse around so the screen saver wouldn't interrupt all our interplanetary, anime goodness, we're through with the series and the movie, and, i've gotta say, it's kind of sad. Not in a "this is a crap ending, i'm really bummed" kind of sad, but like "i've invested a good amount of time into this, and now it's all over" kind of sad.

I'm always slightly saddened by the ending of a series...Return of the King, Deathly Hallows, Michael Scott's last episode...fuhgeddaboudit. I bawled my eyes out. It would seem the only exception to this fact is Revenge of the Sith which was crap...Thanks, George Lucas...

"This...This will save my film!"

Anyways, seeing as Bebop is a pretty awesome show, the ending of this series, even though it actually went off the air like a decade ago, was sad to watch this past week. I'll admit it was a little hard not to get slightly teary in those last couple episodes when certain characters left...or died :(

Soooo, yep. I'm done with it, and I guess that's all I've really got to say on the matter for now. I'd definitely recommend the show if you haven't seen it, aaaaand I guess that's all for now, folks.

See you, space cowboy.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

this post is about diet pepsi

so, here's the thing: i love diet pepsi.

i could blame it on my parents who provided it to my sisters and i as the caffeinated soda of choice throughout our childhoods, but i'd also like to think that, as the independently minded little adult that i am, i did actually make a conscious choice at one point or another to think, "hey, this pop is pretty nifty." (obviously my inner voice is that of an older white gentleman from the 1950's midwest)

My inner voice also dresses to the nines...obviously.

but regardless of how this "love" (horrible choice of words now that i look at it...let's go with, "severe enjoyment of taste") came about, the fact is that diet pepsi will be my soda pick nine times out of ten. not regular pepsi. and definitely not coke.

Thank you, Chuck Norris.

so one thing that really gets my proverbial panties in a bunch is when people make snide comments about diet pepsi drinkers (actually diet soda drinkers in general, but since i just spent the past 5 hours making a big deal about only liking diet pepsi, i figured i'd stick with it).

Person 1: "And I'll have a diet to drink, thanks."
Person 2: "Oh my goooooooood, shut up. You are not fat."
Person 1: "...um, thank you?"

Why does ordering a diet soda automatically mean that you're doing it to cut calories? I personally am really not a fan of the taste of regular Pepsi. It is waaaaaay too sugary tasting, and I don't enjoy it. I'm also not a fan of giving my teeth sugar baths if I can help it. So, please, don't assume I'm on the verge of turning to anorexia next time I order a Diet just because I don't want to soak my teeth in sugar.

Mmm, gingivitis.

Ok, that's all (:

stay classy, san diego.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

oh, one more thing...

We start tech for Chicago this Saturday, and to that I only have to say, Oi gevalt, oi vey, jenkies, yikes, holy crap, and oh my geeeeeeeeez.

Picture this...minus the in-sync choreography, the costumes, and the stage presence.

At this point, we're not ready. Not a bit. Not a smudge. Not a skosh. (<-- not sure why I turn yiddish when I'm worried about stuff like this...it's tres fremd)

I tell you, he had it coming! The schmuck!

Pray for us.



It's May. More specifically Mother's Day, but that's irrelevant in relation to the purpose of my aforementioned statement of the obvious. The subtext of my simple "it's May" goes something like this...

"It's May, and I haven't posted anything, either worthwhile or totally useless, on this blog since late last year...not cool."

I mean, it's not like I think I have an audience to keep happy on here, but I've always felt an arguably unwarranted attachment to inanimate objects that fall into my possession, and often feel sympathetic towards their "feelings" when I neglect them for too long. I blame the lame attempts at artificially intelligent toys that were continually shoved at my generation from toddlerhood. (i.e. Tamagotchis, Poo-Chis, Furbees, etc etc) We were literally brought up thinking that if we didn't play with our electronics enough, they would die, starving and alone, in a pile of their own feces...or maybe that was just the fateful death that seemed to prescribe itself to my Tamagotchi day after day.

Maybe he died of dysentery...

But I digress...

The point is, I do actually feel twinges of guilt, albeit minuscule ones, but twinge-worthy nonetheless, when I neglectfully leave this blog locked in the hot, proverbial Station Wagon with the window cracked while I run back into Costco to grab another industrial sized tub of discounted pickles and peanut-butter pretzels. (Is peanut-butter hyphenated? These are the thoughts that keep me up & plague me at night...)

Also...this guy.

So, here I am, writing in my blog for the first time in almost half a year for no other reason than to break the habit of not doing so. I suppose that's all for now. There will be more to come soon, and in more frequent doses, I promise. I really do enjoy writing in this, so I'll try to keep my chronicles more up to date.

Adieu for now, my lovelies!